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Toxicity of People

Do you find yourself dealing with toxic people in your life?

If not you might just be the toxic one yourself....

Let's hope not.

It saddens me to know that there are so many people out there who just do not have anything better to do then to make other peoples lives miserable.

Not entirely sure why this is the case for so many people but it seems like it is becoming an ever increasingly larger problem in our society. 

While there are many different types of toxicity people can exude, such as "being a whiner"m always being the "negative ninny", or just being unbearable to work with, it seems that there is only one way to solve this dilemma.

Kill them all, let God Sort them out......

Oh, wait, we can't do that. Sorry. that was my inner angry voice coming out for a moment. 

You know the feeling I am sure. Those people you work with who are always in your business?

How about those people who are always spouting off on how much they spend on "their kids" even though their kids hate them?

Perhaps those who are being such a drain on your life. Those who mooch all of your money and never give anything back?

How about those people who just don't get it when you tell them you don't even want them around? 

The list could go on and on and on....

But really what can we do about these people? 

The first step is to make a decision.

You must decide if these people truly need to be in your life. People like co -workers can be changed by moving to a new job, but if the toxic person is family of even a husband or wife then removing them out of your life may be considerably harder to accomplish.

Toxic friend are not going to like losing you. Often these people who are being toxic have an "emotional attachment" to those people they are being toxic too. 

This could simply be a situation where one person was nice to the other and then they latched on for years. They "latch on" to those people who enable them to continue being toxic. 

The toxicity of these people may not be intentional, but in fact has likely been learned as a behavior pattern over time. 

Imagine that you are raising a puppy. If that puppy pees on the floor and is never corrected it will continue to pee on the floor. 

Correction doesn't have to be mean, but it does have to happen. This is why there are alternative and humane training methods available to help.

But just like the puppy, people and their habits, emotions and beliefs are learned behavior patterns.

Perhaps you might not think so but consider the process of being born into this world.

From the moment a new baby is conceived, the baby's life begins being shaped by its parents.

So many factors can change the baby long before it is even born.

Does the baby hear music in the womb? What kind of music? Does the baby hear the soft loving whisper of a caring mother and father? Or does the baby hear constant fighting, arguing and abuse?

What about the emotional state of the mother? Perhaps the baby "Feels" what the mother is feeling? If the mother is in a bad, uncaring, unhealthy, or otherwise hurtful place the baby can sense that.

Once the baby comes out of that "safety zone", the child will be bombarded with the rest of society's issues. Everything from bad family life, to other kids being mean, and so much more that entire volumes of books could be published on these topics.

As a parent it becomes my responsibility to see that our child grows up to be a well rounded individual.

We teach our children in one manner or another. Children are like little sponges in that they will absorb whatever they come into contact with. Whether they absorb good or bad is up to those around them. 

Our daughter is 10 years old this year. One thing for sure is that we know for a fact that she has "picked up" many of our good AND bad habits. Those things that you never even realized she would even notice let alone learn to do.

While she does interact with people who are toxic, we make sure to teach her how to properly deal with those kind of issues in life.

A parent's task is never complete. The more people that take responsibility for how their children turn out, then the better the chances are that society has less toxic people in it. 

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